In the BRIGHT BAR INDUSTRY, coolants and process liquid is used to keep cool to the tools and metal components. At Processing time dust particles comes with coolant and make it dirty, hence coolant creates many types of problems. The coolants and water must be kept clean to produce quality parts and extend tools life. Many metal products such steel, stainless steel, aluminium, brass, Cost Iron and copper are used in a variety of ways and the production of the metals require coolant or industrial water filtration.
- Coolant Tank
- Cyclone(filter)
- Gravity sludge separator
- Chiller, Heat Exchanger
- Supply Pump (Delivery Pump)
- Scrubbing Pump
- Bed Flushing Pump
- Wheel cleaning Pump
- Transfer Pump
- Cooling Pump
- Chiller Pump
- Cyclone Pump
- Oil Skimmer
- Level Indicator
- Filter Housing
- Automic Control Panel
- Magnetic Separator

Suitable Filtration System for Bright Bar Industries:

Assured Customer Benefits:
- Superior Surface finish & Quality
- Faster Operation - Optimum Cycle time - higher productivity
- Superior Life & performance of tool & cooling lubricants
- Superior Process Reliability
- Reduce Machining cost per Components.
- Environment and health safe working
- Minimum space utilization on shop floor
- Help to achieve proper R.A. (Roughness average) Value.