A centralised filtration system is basically a common filtration system for a group of machines. Hence a centralised filtration system can cater to the complete shop.
Udly Engineers a leading manufacturer of centralise cyclone coolant filtration system. Cyclone filtration system are designed to filter ferrous and non-ferrous solid particles from liquid/coolant, for fine filtration,
it creates super centrifugal force in conical housing with the help of pressure pump. We can filter water based and oil-based coolants (neat oil).
For neat oil primary filtration is done with Smart Mag and it filters maximum dust particle, after that coolant enters in cyclone filtration system and we get approximately 30 to 20 microns of filtration. Filtration
level depends on the viscosity of oil. For fine filtration a special bag is used, which can give filtration up to 1 micron, if required.
For water-based coolant primary filtration is done with Smart Mag and after that coolant enters in the cyclone and we get approximately 10 microns of filtration which is suitable for water-based coolant applications.
Cyclone coolant filtration system works fully automatic, without filter media. Drain is connected to gravity sludge separator; ferrous dust particles are attracted by magnets and non-ferrous particle is settled
by gravity and dust comes out through scraper bled.
Udly designs such type of coolant tank where we never find floated and settled dust particles. Coolant tank is divided in two parts i.e. clean and semi-clean. High- density dust and low-density dust always passes
from clean tank to semi clean tank. Hence, we do not get dust in clean tank.
- Coolant Tank
- Cyclone(filter)
- Gravity sludge separator
- Chiller, Heat Exchanger
- Chiller Pump
- Scrubbing Pump
- Bed Flushing Pump
- Wheel cleaning Pump
- Automatic Control Panel
- Cyclone Pump
- Supply Pump (Delivery Pump)
- Transfer Pump
- Magnetic Separator
- Level Indicator

Centralised neat oil filtration system for 5 micron
Unique Features:

Centralised other filtration coolant system:

Centralised system for auto industry:

Assured Customer Benefits:
- Filter media is not required
- Clean tank cleaning is not required.
- Increase wheel and tools life.
- Tank cleaning frequency is less than others.
- Superior Surface finish & Quality
- Faster Operation - Optimum Cycle time - higher productivity
- Superior Life & performance of tool & cooling lubricants
- Superior Process Reliability
- Environment and health safe working
- Minimum space utilization on shop floor
- Help to achieve proper R.A. (Roughness average) Value.
- Maintain RA and RZ values.