Many industrial process and wastewater applications generate “Turbid” (dirty) water whereby suspended material becomes dissolved in the water and cannot be removed by conventional methods such as Liquid Polymers,
Ultra filtration, Reverse Osmosis, Plate and Frame Filters or similar devices. For the filtering of wastewater, UDLY ENGINEERS has developed a fully automatic, continuous flow, wastewater filtration system that
will coagulate the sub-Microcin particles in the water. Once the dirty water is filtered, the clean water can be re-used, and the dry contaminant solids are discharged to a container for disposal.
the manufacturing of Agricultural machinery, coolants and process liquid is used to produce the required metal components. The coolants and liquid must be kept clean to produce quality parts and extend tool
UDLY ENGINEERS manufactures the filters including Compact Band Filters, Double Disc Filters, Gravity Filters, Vacuum Filters, Magnetic Separators, and other devices in conjunction with complete systems
including tanks, pumps, heat exchangers and controls.
- Coolant Tank
- Sludge Master
- Cyclone(filter)
- Gravity sludge separator
- Supply Pump (Delivery Pump)
- Transfer Pump
- Cooling Pump
- Oil Skimmer
- Level Indicator
- Filter Housing
- Automic Control Panel
- Magnetic Separator

Suitable Filtration System for Cleaning Machine:

Assured Customer Benefits:
- Superior Surface finish & Quality
- Faster Operation - Optimum Cycle time - higher productivity
- Superior Life & performance of tool & cooling lubricants
- Superior Process Reliability
- Reduce Machining cost per Components.
- Environment and health safe working
- Minimum space utilization on shop floor
- Help to achieve proper R.A. (Roughness average) Value.